Strawberry Fruit Disease Identification Using Digital Image Processing Using GLCM With Artificial Neural Network Method

Imanuel Puspa Wardaya, Arief Hermawan


Purpose: This research aims to identify strawberry fruit diseases using digital image processing using GLCM with the backpropagation artificial neural network method.

Design/methodology/approach: Using images that have been preprocessed grayscale, crop, and resize and then processed using GLCM for traning using backpropagation artificial neural networks.

Findings/result: Based on 250 image data that is processed by GLCM and classified using a backpropagation artificial neural network, it can be concluded that the best accuracy rate is obtained from ReLU activation with a traning data accuracy value of 95% and test data accuracy of 54%.

Originality/value/state of the art: This research uses a combination of primary data with kaggle data by using a comparison of several experiments by changing the loss, optimizer and activation parameters.


Artificial Neural Network; GLCM; Strawberry Disease Detection; Backpropagation

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