Analysis of the usability quality of vocational high school websites using a user satisfaction approach

Rochmat Husaini, Bagus Muhammad Akbar, Ahmad Taufiq Akbar


Purpose: knowing the extent to which aspects that affect the level of user/visitor satisfaction in using the website.

methodology: the method used is usability approach to measure website visitor satisfaction using Structural Equation Model (SEM) theory and SmartPLS v.3.2.9 software.

Findings/result: found several variables that influence user satisfaction, and found variables that had no effect, even having a negative dependency value. In addition, it also produces priority recommendations for website improvement to meet user satisfaction.

Originality: this study uses the palmer model usability approach [13] and the structural equation model. Which is different from previous research using the webqual method and Importance Performance Analisys [3]


usability; SEM; user satisfaction

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