Learning and Playing in Early Childhood with Augmented Reality Technology

Doni El Rezen Purba, Parasian Silitonga


Purpose: Helping the learning process in early childhood through playing and learning activities with Augmented Reality technology.

Design/methodology/approach: Using Augmented Reality technology with the Iterative Rapid Paper Prototype system development method

Findings/result: Based on tests conducted on 5 types of android devices, 10 samples of early childhood participants (4-5 years) and 5 groups of objects consisting of 10 types resulted in an increase in learning ability of 33.35% which was sourced from the measurement of the correct answers that were successfully obtained. between learning methods through pictures and learning using Augmented Reality technology

Originality/value/state of the art: In previous research, the learning model was carried out on elementary school children (aged 6 years and over) and without the implementation of Augmented Reality technology


Augmented Reality; Childhood Learning and Playing ; Game Education

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31315/telematika.v18i3.5569

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.31315/telematika.v18i3.5569.g4264


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