Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, Muhammad Alhan


Determination of the minimum spanning tree are widely used to solve optimization
problems of finding solutions to problems that require minmum. In the electricity distribution
network, minimum spanning tree (MST) is used to find the minimum length of cable for
electricity network system becomes more optimal. Minimum weight of a MST primary
distribution power network is strongly influenced by the geographical conditions of a region in
the form of contour data. This research was done by designing a model of primary distribution
power network graph in accordance with the data obtained. In finding the minimum weight for
each side of the network graph should include parameters elevation, high point / node, and the
distance between points / nodes. Furthermore, the graph is done by computer calculation and
simulation to get the electricity distribution network primary MST using Prim's algorithm with the
help of ArcView GIS 3.3 program through the avenue script.
Prim's algorithm included in the category of good or efficient algorithms, because the
shape of polynomial time complexity in n, where n is a measure of the number of vertices or
sides. Based on the test results have shown that the algorithm Prim MST ability to determine
the primary distribution grid is much better if based on the geographical conditions of a region.
In addition, Prim's algorithm graph computation time in generating the MST based on the data
that is not based on the contour and contour data are quadratic.
Keywords: minimum spanning tree, prim's algorithm, contours, complexity time


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TELEMATIKA: Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi
ISSN 1829-667X (print); ISSN 2460-9021 (online)

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