Rifki Indra Perwira


Expert system is made to transfer the expert knowledge into the system, so it hopefully
can give solution to problem.“Expert system for diagnosis of infection TBC lung disease” is an
alternative for the various expert system that can be used to overcome the problem. The aim of
designing expert system is for diagnosis of infection TBC lung disease, should that users can
diagnose towards this illnes based on symptoms put into this system. Development of expert
system uses knowledge base stored in database using Paradox, rule based with forward
chaining method.The result of consultation with the system indicate that this system can
determine disease and suggestion based on symptoms inputed by user.
Keyword : Expert System, Forward Chaining, Knowledge Base


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Gadjah Mada.

Giarratano, J., Riley, G., (2004). Expert System Principles and Programming, Carlson, Second Edition, PWS Publishing Company, Boston.

Hisyam, B. (2005) Literatur Perkuliahan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam: Tuberkulosis Paru, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Kusumadewi, S.(2003). Artificial Intelligent Teknik dan Aplikasinya, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta.

Turban, E., 2005, Decision Support System and Expert System, Prantice Hall International Inc, New Jersey.


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TELEMATIKA: Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi
ISSN 1829-667X (print); ISSN 2460-9021 (online)

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