Fajar Ardanu


During this time many organizations or companies that perform marketing products
using brochures . The spread of this brochure done anywhere and at any time regardless of the
amount . The purpose of this course the distribution of brochures to attract people to buy a
product from a company or organization . However , companies often do not pay attention to
when the time is right to make the distribution of brochures where and who are the target
consumers of the company in accordance with the products on offer , so it designed a system
with data mining technology that can be used to determine the distribution of brochures
schedule , location deployment brochures and anyone taget consumer . The methodology used
in the making of this application is a waterfall methodology . While the software used in building
this application is c45 algorithm and its implementation in the form of desktop built using Visual
Basic 6.0 and SQL Server 2000 . Application of data mining technology using c45 algorithm
gives information in determining the effectiveness of the distribution of brochures . This
application also comes with a data member and employee information .
Keywords : brochure, data mining, aplication, algoritma c45


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TELEMATIKA: Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi
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