Pengolahan Air Lindi Menggunakan Metode Constructed Wetland di TPA Sampah Tanjungrejo, Desa Tanjungrejo, Kecamatan Jekulo, Kabupaten Kudus
Leachate is a water that formed in landfills which dissolves compunds that have pollutant content, expecially high organic matter. The high content of pollutants has an impact on the health of the community and the ecosystem around the landfill site. This research is located in Tanjungrejo’s landfill, Tanjungrejo, Jekulo District, Kudus Residence. Methodology of the research was started with survey, , grab sampling, and laboratory analysis. Lechate water quality was tested at laboratory considered parameter such as pH, BOD, COD, TSS, N Total, and Cadmium was tested based on quality standard policy by Ministry of environmental and forestry Indonesia No. P.59/MenLHK/Setjen/Kum.1/7/2016. Constructed wetland method were conducted in two different time durations, which are 3 days and 6 days using Typha angustifolia. The result of this research showed that Constructed wetland method with 3 days showed highest effectivity is in TSS with 65,625% and the lowest in pH with 6,893% while contructed wetland method with 6 days shown highest effectivity is in TSS with 70,714% and pH with 17,437%. Therefore, contructed wetland method with 6 days showed more effective than with 3 days.
Keywords: Constructed Wetland, Leachate Water, Landfill.
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