Convolutional Neural Network for Identifying Tree Species Using Stem Images

Nadia Pramesti, Rianto Rianto


Purpose: Identification of tree species based on stem images using programming assistance to design an automation tool to be able to distinguish tree species directly based on stem images from the new data entered.Design/methodology/approach: Identifying tree species is usually done using leaf images, in previous studies related to identifying tree species based on leaf images this resulted in quite high accuracy but was felt to be not optimal. In this study, we used a convolutional neural network to compare the accuracy of bar images.Findings/result: from 1000 tree trunk image data, identification was carried out using the help of python with the CNN method it can be concluded that the test results used the best acuration at epoch 25 with a value reaching 96.80%Originality/value/state of the art: Research with theme identification of tree species based on stem images using the CNN method has never been done by previous researchers. 


accuracy; CNN; Epoch; Identification

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