Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Tani “Umbul Makmur “ Melalui Motivasi Berwirausaha

Harry Budiharjo Sulistyarso, Didi Nuryadin, Dewi Asmorowati, Wahyu Dwi Artaningtyas


This internal Community Service Programe with partners from the Women Farmers Group (KWT) “UMBUL MAKMUR”, a group consisting of women farmers located in Umbulsari A Hamlet, Sumberharjo village, Kapanewon Prambanan, was carried out in order to foster enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit among partners. The land which is quite large and there are still many that have not been utilized optimally is a very supportive initial capital to run a business in the field of agricultural products. The provision of production equipment assistance, the provision of business capital assistance coupled with the provision of knowledge on how to be successful in entrepreneurship by utilizing all the potential resources owned are expected to be able to improve the partner's economy. Assistance to partners is also carried out during the PbM 2022 program in such a way that the participation of KWT members is increasing. Evaluation is also carried out to monitor the progress and success of the program. The output of this Internal Community Service program is in the form of scientific articles published in proceedings, IPR of ISBN books, publications in mass media/online, and posters.

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