Pendampingan Penyusunan Bisnis Model Canvas dan Peningkatan Produksi Empon-empon pada Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Mentari di dusun Karangploso, Desa Maguwoharjo, Sleman Yogyakarta

Arief Subyantoro, AYN Warsiki, Oktavia Sarhesti Padmini, Avido Yuliestyan


KWT Mentari, a small business enterprises based on community participation, encounters three issues concerning its economic growth, which are related to (1) business self-assessment on positioning, (2) improving production efficiencies and (3) limitation on its capital investment.

The offered solution includes assisting KWT Mentari through (1) a workshop on the development of business model canvas involving nine elements: Customer Segment, Value Proposition, Channels, Customer Relationship, Revenue Stream, Key Activities, Key Resources, Key Partnership dan Cost Structure, (2) a hands-on course of Empon-empon production by using semi-automatic production devices for improving efficiencies and its safety aspect; and (3) a workshop on proposal writing for business start-up.

Several activities have been conducted to assist KWT Mentari. The result shows that the nine elements on business model canvas have successfully been identified, hence the comprehension on each aspect has been increased. Among those elements, marketing, particularly the digitized version of it, has been considered as one of the key activities, aiming to target customer understanding on KWT Mentari’s activities as well as its products and finally to increase their sales and its economic.

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