Wahyu Dwi Artaningtyas, Harry Budiharjo Sulistyarso, Indah Widiyaningsih


The internal Community Service (PbM) program activity  done by  UPN “ Veteran “ Yogyakarta’s team  aims to completely overcome all the problems faced by partners today. The assistance that has been carried out in 2020 has had a real impact, namely in the form of increasing partner production capacity and sales turnover by 15%. The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is still ongoing today, is a challenge for KUB's "MAJU LANCAR" business. Various new breakthroughs must be taken to be able to continue to exist and develop. This is one of the arguments why this PbM activity needs to be re-done. This internal Community Service Program seeks to provide solutions that are expected to help resolve new problems related to how partners can continue to maintain their business in the midst of the current difficult situation. In the field of production , the procurement of more modern production equipment is expected to increase the production capacity of partners . The solution to problems in the field of marketing management is to help redesign product packaging so that it is more attractive to consumers, and can increase product value. Another solution that is provided apart from a new packaging design is to provide training using social media to better introduce the partners' products to the community so that they can further expand their marketing reach. Evaluation of the success of program implementation continues to be carried out so that all activities really provide problem solving for partners' problems, so that this household industry business will continue to exist in the midst of increasingly difficult conditions.

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