Suprih Ambawani, Bernadetta Eko Putranti


Increasing children’s interest in learning English needs to be developed from the early age. Meanwhile, learning English for children should be based on the children’s characters and should be given in fun ways to reduce boredom. One of the fun methods to learn English is through storytelling. The purpose of this community service program was to motivate children to learn English through storytelling. The method used was counseling by providing a collection of short stories consisting of 12 short stories written in 2 language versions, English and Indonesian. The short stories were completed with several pictures to attract children's interest.  The meaning of some words found in the short stories were given to enrich childern’s vocabularies. To avoid crowds during the COVID-19 pandemic, materials were distributed to the children through the head of Desa Piyono. The physical and social limitation made the implementation of the program less effective because the team can meet directly with the chidren. However, it is hoped that children will enjoy the model of learning English through storytelling, so it can increase interest/motivation in learning English independently which will have an impact on increasing English skills and will increase competitiveness.

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