Decision Support System Assessment Of Truck Driver Work Mental Load in Giwangan Market Area, Yogyakarta Using NASA-TLX

Riani Nurdin, Bagus Wahyu Utomo, Harliyus Agustian


Traditional markets in Indonesia have experienced a decline in performance as from 2002 to 2013. Sales value in 2002 was 74.8%, in 2005 the sales value of traditional markets was 67.6%, then in 2011 it was 55.8%. Giwangan Market is the largest traditional market in the area of Yogyakarta Province. However, many of the traditional markets have inadequate infrastructure both in terms of cleanliness and tidiness of the market location which is detrimental to truck drivers in these markets. Research shows that driver fatigue is the cause of road accidents by 30%. Regarding the measurement of mental workload, subjective measures of workload are easy to provide and have high assessment ability because the measurement is independent of the task. The Decision Support System Model can provide input to Giwangan Market managers to show the mental workload scale of truck drivers using the NASA-TLX Scale (Task Load Index) approach, the most widely used subjective scale by asking participants to rank separately on the mental command subscales. demand, physical demand, temporal demand, own performance, effort, and frustration level. The results of the system show that the mental workload of truck drivers in Giwangan Yogyakarta Market has a very high workload, as many as 4 drivers, 5 drivers have a high workload and 1 driver has a fairly high workload interpretation.


Truck Driver; Mental Workload; Decision Support System


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