Suwatno Suwatno


The purpose of research is analyzing the effect on communication between headmaster with teachers surrounding schools and organizational climate toward senior high school’s teacher performances in municipality of Bandung. Method used survey explanatory. The populations were senior high school’s teachers in Municipality of Bandung. Based on data analysis contained information that: communication between headmaster and teachers have important meaning for teacher’s performance. By controlling other variable, significantly teacher’s performances depend on communication conducted with headmaster, schools organizational climate have important meaning for teachers. By controlling other variable, significantly teacher’s performance is explained by schools organizational climate, telling style communication is developed by headmaster is very effective if adapted for teachers who have low performances. While selling, participating, and delegating style communication is not effective if adapted for teachers who have low performances. Selling and participating style communication is developed by headmaster is very effective if adapted for teachers who have medium performances. While telling and delegating style communication is not effective if adapted for teachers who have medium performances. Delegating style communication is developed by headmaster is very effective if adapted for teachers who have high performances. While telling, selling, and participating style communication is not effective if adapted for teachers who have high performances. The result shows that teacher’s performances as frame of reference is important factor to determine communication effectiveness between headmaster and teachers. In addition to research had placed organizational climate as an indicator which affecting individual behavior on organization.


communication, organizational climate, performance.


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