The Effect of Company Reputation, Service Quality, and Perceived Ease of User Loyalty on Mobile Banking Applications of Bank BPD DIY Mediated by User Satisfaction

Daryoko Daryoko, Haddy Suprapto, Titik Kusmantini


This study was made to examine the effect of the influence of corporate reputation, service quality and perceived convenience on the loyalty of users of the Bank BPD DIY Mobile Banking application mediated by user satisfaction. This study is quantitative, based on using the Non-Probability Sampling method, namely by taking the opportunity, the considerations in taking the selected sample in this study are: using the BPD DIY mobile banking application for at least 3 months, aged at least 17 years, and has an ID card domiciled in Yogyakarta. The sample size that will be taken in this study is 100 respondents. The data taken is then processed using SmartPLS 3.2.9 software. And this study will clearly affect the loyalty of users of the BPD DIY mobile banking application.

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