Bastian Yunariono, Ariesani Hermawanto



Redefinisi politik luar negeri Look East Policy menjadi Act East Policy dilatarbelakangi keinginan India untuk berintegrasi dengan negara-negara di Asia Tenggara yang tergabung dalam ASEAN. India berkomitmen melakukan tindakan nyata untuk bekerjasama dengan negara-negara ASEAN sebagai mitra strategis dalam berbagai bidang. Penelitian ini mengkaji implementasi Act East Policy dalam kerjasama ekonomi dan keamanan. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif yang memungkinkan peneliti memahami permasalahan yang dihadapi manusia dalam konteks sosialnya. Sumber data  menggunakan data sekunder yang berasal dari buku, jurnal, majalah surat kabar dan sumber internet yang kredibel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Act East Policy dalam bidang ekonomi terjadi peningkatan signifikan dalam volume perdagangan kedua pihak pasca diberlakukannya ASEAN-India Free Trade Area (AIFTA). Dalam kerjasama perdagangan India mengalami defisit sehingga negara-negara ASEAN lebih banyak mendapatkan manfaat dibandingkan India. Dimasa mendatang India berpotensi menyeimbangkan neraca perdagangan mengingat keunggulan komparatif yang dimilikinya belum dieksplorasi secara mendalam Sedangkan Kerjasama keamanan memiliki dampak positif dalam memperkuat stabilitas di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan sekitarnya. India dinilai dapat berperan sebagai penyeimbang China yang berambisi menjadi kekuatan hegemonik di Asia Tenggara.   

Kata Kunci : look east policy, act east policy, AIFTA, keamanan




The redefinition of India's foreign policy from Look East Policy to Act East Policy is driven by India's desire to integrate with the countries in Southeast Asia that are part of ASEAN. India has taken concrete actions to collaborate as a strategic partner in various fields. This research examines the implementation of the Act East Policy in economic and security cooperation. The research methodology employed is qualitative, allowing the researcher to understand the challenges faced by individuals in their social context. Secondary data sources from credible books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and the internet were used. The research findings indicate that the implementation of the Act East Policy in the economic field has led to a significant increase in bilateral trade volume after the establishment of the ASEAN-India Free Trade Area (AIFTA). In trade cooperation, India has experienced a trade deficit, with ASEAN countries benefiting more than India. In the future, India has the potential to balance the trade balance considering that its comparative advantages have not been explored in depth. Meanwhile, security cooperation has a positive impact in strengthening stability in the Southeast Asia region and beyond. India is considered to be able to act as a balancer to China, which has the ambition to become a hegemonic power in Southeast Asia. Security cooperation has a positive impact in strengthening stability in the Southeast Asia region and beyond.

Keywords :

look east policy, act east policy, AIFTA, security




look east policy, act east policy, AIFTA, security


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