Kadarso Kadarso, Retno Lantarsih


The aim of this research are to low : (1) financial feasibility; (2) sensitivity of broiler livestok; (3) duration return of capital ; and (4) break even point .The basic method of this research is descriptive analysis by using cross section data of broiler livestock in the year 2006/2007 that is at Avian Influenza epidemic in Indonesia. Intake of breeder sample use random sampling method. The result of reseanch indicate that at the time of happened a influenza epidemic in Indonesia at year 2006/2007: (1) the broiler livestock is feasible,(2)  the broiler livestock is sensitive to change of cost production; (3) Duration of capital is 9 months 29 day, (4) break even point at earnings 45.850.42S

Keywords:Financial Feasibility, Sensitivity, BEP, Broiler

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31315/jdse.v8i2.5111

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.31315/jdse.v8i2.5111.g3691


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