Interpersonal Communication and Situational Leadership on Teacher Performance
determined by interpersonal communication and situational leadership of the principal. This study aims to
analyze the influence of interpersonal communication and situational leadership of the principal on teacher
performance at SD IT Bunayya Lhokseumawe. The research method uses correlational, with a quantitative
approach. Data collection used a questionnaire distributed to 38 respondents as a total sample. The measurement
scale uses a Likert scale of four answer choices. This study used multiple linear regression analysis. Previously,
prerequisite analysis tests were carried out using tests of data normality, autocorrelation, heteroskedasticity and
multicollinearity. The results of the study stated that teacher performance was significantly and simultaneously
influenced by interpersonal communication and situational leadership of the principal by 70.7 percent and the
remaining 29.3 percent was influenced by other variables that were not studied. Research contribution to the
principal to open communication in providing positive responses and attitudes to teachers. The principal places
himself according to the teacher’s situation so that he can foster good cooperation. Teacher performance improves
as seen from the learning process by compiling and mastering the material and skillfully using learning media.
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