I Gusti Ngurah Putra


As a part of management function public relations has been practiced in Indonesia since the Independence day. The development of public relations practice in Indonesia is influenced, among other things, by political system, government policies and economic development. As Indonesian political system is becoming more democratic, organizations are required to apply the symmetrical public relations models as suggested by Grunig.



public relation practice, politic reformation, public relation model


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Surat kabar dan Majalah:

Cakram, Oktober 1991 (hal. 14-17), Februari 1993 (hal. 8-15), Mei 1994 (hal. 18-19), Oktober 1994 (hal. 20-23), Juni 1995 (hal. 10-15).

Manajemen, Januari-Februari 1993 (hal. 41). Prisma, No 4, tahun 1994 (hal. 48-73).

Tempo, 28 Juli 1990 (hal. 23).

Warta Ekonomi, 10 September 1990 (hal. 22-26 dan hal 29-30); 26 September 1994 (hal. 27-28).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31315/jik.v6i3.58


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